CALTECH dep. co. provides "smart" solution for your unique combustion-related problem. A potent solution, which is highly effective and surprisingly simple at the same time - consequently, this method is amazingly economical. In order to find the best solution,
we use leading-edge numerical modeling, which is done by means of a sophisticated CFD software, called ANSYS FLUENT.

We, at CALTECH dep. co., admire the great variety of the surrounding world, and humbly rise to the challenge of modeling, comprehending, and utilizing complex systems in order to turn them to your advantage.

We are capable to simulate any combination of the following major phenomena of nature:
- fluid dynamics of some liquid or gas (laminar, transitional, turbulent-flows),
- interaction between the flow and some solid body (lift, drag, loss),
- some sort of heat transfer (convection, conduction, radiation),
- some sort of chemical reaction mechanism (surface-reaction, volumetric-reaction; up to about 200 reaction steps),
- discrete phase particle's interaction with the flow (e.g., transportation/transformation of combustible particles, like grains of pulverized coal or droplets of oil).

With these phenomena, the vast majority of the universe can easily be described:
- from the flow pattern around a car/airplane (which is roughly confined to fluid dynamics),
- through the flow inside of a flue gas exhaust manifold of an automotive (where heat transfer is considerable as well),
- to the combustion of fossil fuels in an industrial boiler (where chemical reactions alter the fluid dynamics and heat transfer as well).

Therefore, we are ready to help solving your problem, practically, no matter what specific field you are on. Actually, we specialized in solving combustion-related problems which generally comprise all of the above mentioned phenomena. For us, as a matter of fact, exactly this complexity provides the irresistible force of attraction. We take up the glove and respond to extraordinarily difficult tasks, so we are proud of - and sincerely love - what we do.

Further characteristics of our services are:
- "Independence of manufacturing." (CALTECH dep. co. is not interested in selling any kind of tangible products at all. We are in the business of finding the smartest, the most appropriate solution from the Client's point of view).
- "Modernity." Despite its small size, CALTECH dep. co. applies leading-edge development tools, both hardware and software, that used to be affordable only for large companies a little while ago. CALTECH dep. co. can afford these expensive tools, since it is operating on the basis of the essential components only. (There is no superfluous employee, unneeded corporate procedure, nor circumlocution.)
- "Fastness". Time is considered as the most valuable resource, so CALTECH keeps things simple.)
- "Effectiveness", which is merely an obvious consequence of the factors above.

The slightly overlapping concrete areas of the provided services are:
Solving of Problems
Improvement of a Device
e.g.: exploration of the probable causes of a problem and working out an effective, theoretically well-grounded solution
e.g.: making it more powerful, more environment-friendly, more efficient or more useful
Here, the roles of numerical modeling are primarily:
- proving the Client's view correct (if so), incidentally, modifying that in some minor aspects,
- or choosing the most promising one of the predetermined options

e.g.: providing mathematical basis to the possible options in order to minimize the risk due to technical factors
e.g.: staying at the leading-edge of the profession
using ever-developing, state-of-the-art methods and resources
If the Client has already got its own detailed concept(s) regarding some device or technical problem, although some uncertainty prevails:
Our services can be understood more easily by flashing a glance at the different groups of our references. The Interactive Guide below saves your time by navigating you directly to the most relevant information regarding to your reason of visiting this site.
We provide a well-established theoretical foundation on which the proper decision can be come to.
In plain terms, we give
support for making the right decision.
Scientific Research
Cell phone:
References ...