References on Non-Reacting flow calculations
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CFD modeling of recuperative hydroelectric power plant – Intermingling of the heated coolant of the Paks Nuclear power Plant into the Danube (2011.*)
Development of the cooling system of the motors of water intake pumps of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant (2011.*)
Development of an algorithm for integration a Pumping Storage Plant (PSP) into the national grid – CFD modeling of the pressure loss of a given PSP (2008.*)
Due to practical reasons, Lajos L. Varga has performed some of these references on behalf of institutes other than CALTECH deposit company. These particular cases have been marked as follows:

- The reports of the case studies marked by an asterisk (*) above have been released on behalf of MVM ERBE Power Engineering & Consulting Private Company Limited.
- The reports of the case studies marked by two asterisks (**) above have been released on behalf of The Technical University of Budapest, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Fluid Dynamics.

Despite this circumstance, all of the projects specified above have been worked out completely by Lajos L. Varga alone,
The technical details for some of these case studies are under the process of obtaining permissions for publishing.